我们以实际例子展开,假设 A、B 均开启 rebase,且初始 balance 和 share 均为 100,C 未开启 rebase,balance 为 200
- totalSupply = 100 + 100 + 200 = 400
- sharePrice = 1
- rebasingSupply = (100 + 100) * 1 = 200
- nonRebasingSupply = 200
那么 C 调用 distribute 来贡献自己的 200 token,状态变化为:
- totalSupply = 100 + 100 - 200 = 0
- sharePrice = 1 + (200/200) = 2
- rebasingSupply = (100 + 100) * 2 = 400
- nonRebasingSupply = 0
此时显然等式不再成立,为了保证等式成立,totalSupply 应该是 400 而不是 0,回到第一个版本,我们每次调用 distribute 时都会通过_mint 来修改每个参与 rebase 用户的 balance,实际上系统是增发了,因为前面进行了销毁操作,因此保持了平衡
那么在第二版中,前面也进行了销毁,但是却没有增发,只是更新 sharePrice,那么就算用户账面上的 balance 增加了,但是实际来领取时,系统总量是不够的。因此,这里差的 400 就是需要增发的量,同理我们不需要按比例增发给每个用户,而是记录在一个全局变量中,当用户退出 rebase 时再 mint 出相应的数额
首先定义全局的 unminted 变量:
uint256 public unminted;
unminted 需要在 distribute 时增加,在 exit 时减少:
function _exitRebase(address user) internal {
uint256 shares = rebasingAccount[user].nShares;
rebasingAccount[user].isRebasing = false;
rebasingAccount[user].nShares = 0;
totalShares -= shares;
uint256 balance = share2Balance(shares);
uint256 rawBalance = ERC20.balanceOf(user);
if (balance > rawBalance) {
uint256 delta = balance - rawBalance;
ERC20._mint(user, delta);
unminted -= delta;
emit RebaseExit(user, shares, block.timestamp);
function distribute(uint256 amount) external {
require(balanceOf(msg.sender)>=amount, "SimpleERC20Rebase: not enough");
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
sharePrice += amount*1e30 / totalShares;
unminted += amount;
修改后的代码如下,我们新增了 unminted 变量,并在 distribute 时累加,在 exit 时增发相应数目 token 给用户
至此,ERC20Rebase 的核心框架已经实现了,不过代码仅供参考,只关注了核心逻辑的实现,对比 ecg 中的 ERC20RebaseDistributor 合约,我们仍欠缺很关键的部分:线性释放,分红的 token 不是一次性反馈给 holder,而是在一定的周期内线性增加。
由于添加了时间的维度,相应的也会衍生出许多问题:如果分红周期内 share 总量发生变化,如何保证公平分发?
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.13;
import {ERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract SimpleERC20Rebase is ERC20 {
event RebaseEnter(address indexed account, uint256 indexed shares, uint256 indexed timestamp);
event RebaseExit(address indexed account, uint256 indexed shares, uint256 indexed timestamp);
struct RebasingState {
bool isRebasing;
uint256 nShares;
mapping(address => RebasingState) internal rebasingAccount;
uint256 public totalShares;
uint256 public unminted;
uint256 public sharePrice = 1e30;
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol
) ERC20(_name, _symbol) {}
function rebasingSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return share2Balance(totalShares);
function nonRebasingSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return totalSupply() - rebasingSupply();
function share2Balance(uint256 shares) view public returns (uint256) {
return shares * sharePrice / 1e30;
function balance2Share(uint256 balance) view public returns (uint256) {
return balance * 1e30 / sharePrice ;
function enterRebase() external {
require(!rebasingAccount[msg.sender].isRebasing, "SimpleERC20Rebase: already rebasing");
function _enterRebase(address user) internal {
uint256 balance = balanceOf(user);
uint256 shares = balance2Share(balance);
rebasingAccount[user].isRebasing = true;
rebasingAccount[user].nShares = shares;
totalShares += shares;
emit RebaseEnter(user, shares, block.timestamp);
function exitRebase() external {
require(rebasingAccount[msg.sender].isRebasing, "SimpleERC20Rebase: not rebasing");
function _exitRebase(address user) internal {
uint256 shares = rebasingAccount[user].nShares;
rebasingAccount[user].isRebasing = false;
rebasingAccount[user].nShares = 0;
totalShares -= shares;
uint256 balance = share2Balance(shares);
uint256 rawBalance = ERC20.balanceOf(user);
if (balance > rawBalance) {
uint256 delta = balance - rawBalance;
ERC20._mint(user, delta);
unminted -= delta;
emit RebaseExit(user, shares, block.timestamp);
function distribute(uint256 amount) external {
require(balanceOf(msg.sender)>=amount, "SimpleERC20Rebase: not enough");
_burn(msg.sender, amount);
sharePrice += amount*1e30 / totalShares;
unminted += amount;
function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
return super.totalSupply() + unminted;
function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
uint256 rawBalance = ERC20.balanceOf(account);
if (rebasingAccount[account].isRebasing) {
return share2Balance(rebasingAccount[account].nShares);
} else {
return rawBalance;
function mint(address user, uint256 amount) external {
bool isRebasing = rebasingAccount[user].isRebasing;
if (isRebasing) {
ERC20._mint(user, amount);
if (isRebasing) {
function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) {
bool isFromRebasing = rebasingAccount[msg.sender].isRebasing;
bool isToRebasing = rebasingAccount[to].isRebasing;
if (isFromRebasing) {
if (isToRebasing && to != msg.sender) {
bool result = ERC20.transfer(to, amount);
if (isFromRebasing) {
if (isToRebasing && to != msg.sender) {
return result;
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) public virtual override returns (bool) {
bool isFromRebasing = rebasingAccount[from].isRebasing;
bool isToRebasing = rebasingAccount[to].isRebasing;
if (isFromRebasing) {
if (isToRebasing && to != from) {
bool result = ERC20.transfer(to, amount);
if (isFromRebasing) {
if (isToRebasing && to != from) {
return result;